LESAFFRE RED STAR® DADY: DISTILLERS - Aroma & Flavor: neutral. Styles: Light whiskies and neutral spirits, performs well in the production of ethanol from a variety of carbohydrate sources including molasses, citrus pulp and corn syrup. Temp Range: performs best at temperatures under 90°F (optimum 86° - 89°F); recommended to rehydrate in 104°F water 4-5x its weight. Alcohol Tolerance: Up to 22%, if time is allotted (usually 7 days). Other: Specifically, selected strain that is designed for distillers use in grain mash fermentations for ethanol; Increase dosage for more rapid fermentation & use yeast nutrients for optimal results. Bag packaging may vary, but will be airtight sealed. Variation is generally gold or white bag.